
Symptoms of Stage 1 Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of Stage 1 Prostate Cancer

Symptoms of Stage 1 Prostate Cancer The prostate gland, an essential part of the male reproductive system, is responsible for making fluid that’s ejaculated with semen through the penis. The abnormal growth of the cells in your prostate can result in a tumor. The question is, what are the symptoms of stage 1 prostate cancer,…

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Symptoms of Urinary Bladder Stone

Symptoms of Urinary Bladder Stone

Symptoms of Urinary Bladder Stone Bladder stones are hard deposits made up of the minerals found in your urine. They are more common in those above 50, although people of any age group can develop bladder stones. Your bladder is responsible for holding your urine, which contains many substances. These can, sometimes, stick together to…

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