
Causes of prostate cancer in young males

Causes of Prostate Cancer in Young Males

Causes of Prostate Cancer in Young Males Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate gland, that’s located between the bladder and the penis. Experts do not know what causes prostate cancer, but the risk increases with age. Genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors can also contribute to the heightened risk of men developing prostate cancer. Although rare,…

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What are the 5 warning signs of bladder cancer

What are the 5 Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer?

What are the 5 Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer? Bladder cancer is a rare yet possible type of cancer that can occur in men and women. The cancer forms in the lining of your bladder, a triangle-shaped organ that holds your urine. Early detection can cure bladder cancer completely, but most patients report the symptoms…

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What to expect after ureteral stent removal

What to Expect After Ureteral Stent Removal?

What to Expect After Ureteral Stent Removal? 1. Introduction An ureteral stain is a lean and flexible material that inserted into the ureter carries urine from Kidney to the bladder. The aim of ureter stain is to provide proper urine flow from kidney to bladder while there is a blockage in the ureter. The blockage…

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