What You Need to Know About Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

What You Need to Know About Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit?

Radical cystectomy is an effective way to remove the cancer-affected bladder from the body. After radical cystectomy, doctors construct a more straightforward way to store and exit urine from the body. Radical cystectomy is a surgical operation that is the best way to treat cancer. If you also want to consult with the best Urologist in Navi Mumbai, you must consider Dr. Soumyan Dey to get proper and best bladder treatment without hassle.

Overview of Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

The urologist removes the bladder due to cancer or other health conditions that cannot be treated with medication or other treatment. However, the new way to construct the way for urine to store and exit is known as an ileal conduit, so one can easily urinate without any hassle.

What is an Ileal Conduit?

An ileal conduit is the most effective way to create a space to store and exit urine from the body. A surgeon makes a new tube from a piece of the small intestine that offers the kidney to drain and urine to go through the stoma. The tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder are attached to this tube so the urine can flow from the tube into the ileal conduit and then exit from the body through the stoma.

Benefits and Risks of Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

Radical cystectomy is very beneficial, yet it has some possible risks. However, here are the benefits and risks associated with radical cystectomy with ileal conduit.

  • Radical cystectomy helps in improving life quality for a person with bladder cancer.
  • It offers curative treatment for bladder cancer.
  • It eliminates the potential risk of cancer recurrence.

Some risks of radical cystectomy with ileal conduit are:

  • Skin irritation around the stoma
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Urinary obstruction
  • Inflammation of stoma

Also Read: Types & Causes of Cancer

Preparation for Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

The best Hospital for Radical Cystectomy in Navi Mumbai allows a comprehensive treatment plan for the better care of patients. Doctors also focus on the preparation for the radical cystectomy so one can recover quickly. However, here are some points that one should follow before radical cystectomy.

  • Perform a complete blood test and other tests.
  • Please consult the best urologist, like Dr. Soumyan Dey, to discuss the surgery and its benefits.
  • Meet with the nurse for a better understanding of treatment.
  • Prepare for the care after surgery.

Recovery from Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

The recovery time after radical cystectomy with ileal conduit may differ depending on a person’s health and other conditions. However, it can be long, and one must adequately care for their health. Patients usually stay in doctors’ observation for one week to 10 days after surgery, and it may take 6 to 8 weeks for a person to recover from the surgery completely.

Complications of Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit

Some risk factors and complications one can experience after radical cystectomy with ileal conduit are:

  • Parastomal hernia
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Stomatitis
  • Bleeding
  • Problem while urinating
  • Skin irritation


Radical cystectomy is the best and life-saving way to remove cancer from the body. However, it would be best to consider the benefits, risks, and complications of radical cystectomy with ileal conduit to escape from undesirable situations. Thus, you must also consult the best doctor to get the right solution for your issues.